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Oliver Doyle

Oliver Doyle

Montana, United States of America

辅导专业知识: Career, Education, Executive Coaching, Faith, Families, Leadership, Life Coaching, Managers, Non-Profit Organizations, Personal Development, Students/Youth, Teams

是否可提供辅导: Is accepting new clients

辅导语言: English (USA)

关于 Oliver Doyle

Born and raised in Ireland, with the brogue and sense of humor to prove it, Oliver is a Catholic pastor, with years of experience in academic leadership and teaching, counseling, communications, spiritual and personal formation as a ‘soul friend,’ anam chara in Gaelic. He has accompanied commercial and faith institutions, teams, individuals and communities on their journey towards success, development and growth.  

Through art, music, painting, creative writing, formal instruction, one-to-one meetings, Oliver strives to help others become aware of their strengths, own them and live them so that their lives are rich in meaning and deep in self-actualization.  

Strengths to strengths, is Oliver’s personal motto. Age is only a number. Wisdom is the gift of experience that helps shape strengths and encourages personal, team, professional and community development.  

Years of successful experience in guiding personal relationships, management, academia, and communications motivates Oliver to accompany individuals, managers and teams on their journey from strengths to strengths so that they may reach their personal and organizational objectives.  

Oliver’s commitment to accompany people is best expressed in his vow to continue reflecting on the fragility of the world, people and creation, and to consider alternative paths towards healing and success, so that tomorrow and beyond there will be at least one person, group, team, leader, business or community that is less stressed but is stronger and more effective in meeting the challenges and gifts of their chosen goals. 

Oliver’s leading strength of INTELLECTION ensures that he thinks deeply about whatever issues, or questions, he encounters. FUTURISTIC guarantees that he will offer a vision of tomorrow, that is inspiring, exciting, attainable, and is firmly rotted in the development of personal and group strengths. RESTORATIVE, his favorite strength, helps him accompany others as they strive resolve problems and challenges they face on their way towards a life that is fulfilled and engaged. While CONNECTEDNESS opens Oliver’s innate sense to the links among all things, discovering often ignored patterns, threads of meaning, and whispers of mystery and connections that lead to success. His fifth leading strength, STRATEGIC, allows Oliver to consider all the possibilities and strategies so that the best way forward is found and followed.  

These leading strengths, forged by Oliver’s experience, personal formation, faith and wisdom, excites him to be of service to leaders, managers, teams, individuals, faith and business groups, so that he can accompany then on their journey towards success and happiness, as they grow from ‘strengths to strengths.’